
  1. My in-laws have had a huge bowl of popcicle sticks (the short, rounded ones for the good kind of ice cream bars) since before the kid were born. When the kids go over, they hawl it out and begin to pour it over us and each other. Totally not my bag, but they have done this their whole life and the bowl gets bigger and they still come to life dumping it on peoples’ heads. When I find myself in the restroom and the sticks that somehow did not get away make their escape, I get a laugh in. Reminder: There are times when we should just say yes and not no. May it rain popcicle sticks for you, one day!!

    • Stacey, that’s great. Reminds me of the many times I allowed my daughter to play in the styrofoam peanuts that came in a big box – little did I know that playing with them would end up with them smashed to smithereens! But we pretended like it was snowing inside, and made snow angels, piles, and just had a blast. Worth every minute of cleanup.

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