People! Please respect each other!

Mouths and teeth
Tambako the Jaguar / Foter / CC BY-ND

For the last, oh, 6 months I have watched people that I love, admire, respect, and cherish, demonstrate sides of them that I never knew existed.

And quite frankly, wish I never knew.

Whether it be politics, or other divisive subjects (such as gun control), I find that I am getting disillusioned with many people that I thought I knew.

Let me be clear.

I have zero problem with people having differing opinions on topics, or issues – that is what humanity, and the first amendment, is all about. Being able to live our lives as we wish, keeping to ourselves, and not hurting anyone in the process.

What I DO have a problem with is people who take to social media to bash people who hold differing opinions.

I have heard highly intelligent, and what I would even be considered enlightened, individuals, post things on social media that are fully judgmental, and (quite frankly) mean, about anyone who holds a differing point of view.

Those people perhaps feel better getting “support” from others in their community who happen to speak up because they share the same opinion, but likely don’t realize how many others reading those posts are affected by what they are saying.

Just in the last 2 days, I’ve seen kind, loving people, be anything BUT. I’ve seen countless examples of people being extremely insulting to people who actually are against gun control. Calling them stupid, ignorant, and brainwashed for believing what our forefathers carefully constructed as a means to uphold the values important for true liberty.

And of course they are feeling emotional…. and who can blame them? We all are. There is not one sane person who is not deeply affected by the events of the last 36 hours.

I don’t care which side of the debate you are on – I am merely observing the sadness I feel learning about how insulting some people are.

Take this horrible example from yesterday. The people lauding gun control are the ones with the loudest voice on social media right now.

Yet I find it interesting (but not surprising ) that people who are against gun control, are keeping quiet. At least in my social circles anyway.

Pretty much unanimously, the only comments I see are pro gun control. Yet I know many individuals in my circles, are against gun control.

Yet the comments we are seeing on social media are not even going there.

Not because the majority of people are for it, but I believe it is because people who are against gun control, realize that by speaking up, they are going to pretty much be accused of being the reason behind the senseless act in Connecticut. Or that you are some insensitive and heartless human for holding your opinion. And because this hits close to home for so many people, they don’t DARE to chime in.

In the last 24 hours, I have had conversations with 2 close friends, separately, about how sometimes I am sad I’m friends with my friends on Facebook. Because I want to be friends, and love them and enjoy them the way I’VE experienced them. Not how they are around or with others. But just how they are with ME.

But I see different sides of them when they post online. And I wish I didn’t.

There is a reason I try very hard to stay away from political discussions with friends and family, as people think or believe what they believe and nothing is going to change their minds. I purposely don’t engage anymore (though in the past I did).

But then again, I am someone who held certain political beliefs for most of my life, and in the last 6 years especially, I have now changed my philosophies dramatically.

So I probably shouldn’t assume that anymore. But that is not really even the point.

Like many of you, I share my thoughts and opinions on topics that are of interest to me. And some people might say just by sharing my thoughts, which may or may not be in opposition to yours, that I am insulting those who hold different views. But I disagree. I am sharing my voice, but I have never once insulted others – merely because they don’t share my opinion.

I have personally read, over the last 6 months in particular, many posts, that according to the person posting them, that I myself am “stupid,” “brainwashed,” or “totally ignorant” because of my beliefs.

And sometimes I am so tempted to reach out to those people, because I think they would be surprised I hold a different viewpoint. I know they respect me and even sometimes love me. And part of me wants to help them learn who exactly they might be insulting by ranting as they do.

But I don’t.

Instead, I sit quietly at my computer, saddened by what I’m observing from some wonderful, loving people.

And trust me, we (myself definitely included) are not perfect, we have times where we show our less than best selves, and later wish we hadn’t. It is part of the human experience and in no way am I saying I am not guilty of this at times as well. If there is ever a time where this is likely to happen, it’s when the innocence of children is so horrifically attacked. But this is far from the only instance I’ve seen this, which is probably why I’m feeling so compelled to write about this.

I guess I only wish that people would be able to share their opinions and thoughts, without needing to be insulting to others. I guess people have always been like this, it’s just now we have an avenue through which we can broadcast these “rants” with long-term consequences we may not intend.

And here’s my message to all you conscious parents.  Your children will do what you do.  They will act the way you do, no matter how you “teach” them verbally the importance of being kind.  They will watch you when you think no one is looking.  If you don’t want your children being judgmental, don’t be judgmental yourself.

Social media has opened incredible communication pathways, where everyone can find a voice.

But I am begging you all amazing people, let’s just keep it to the issue, please, and not about the people who hold opposing views.

Anyone else on board with me?

(And now back to our regularly schedule programming)

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