How aware are infants really?

In this week’s video post, I discuss the powerful idea about just exactly how aware infants are from the start – far more so than many people think.  Understanding this point can be a vital component to a conscious parent’s approach to their children.     Here is the clip from America’s Funniest Home videos…. […]

Universal law or physical principle?

One foundational aspect of this conscious parenting site, has to do with the power of intention, and what we focus on (aka the law of attraction).  The law of attraction states that what we give focus to, we get more of.  If we focus our attention and our emotion on what we fear will happen, […]

A lesson from my little one about money

The other day, my daughter and I spent the day at the San Diego Zoo.  Long story short, I ended up at home at the end of the day, just having ordered some pizza to be delivered because I was too worn out to cook, and I realized I didn’t have my ATM card.  Lost […]

Originally posted September 10, 2008: A Mom’s angst

I set this blog up a while ago, with the intention of sharing thoughts and ideas, answering questions that I get asked often, and commenting on information that comes across my daily practice of conscious health. Just in the last few days, it has become very clear to me what this may end up being […]