Flower essence meanings

Choose the flower that jumps out at you the most. (Photos courtesy of Flower Essence Services)

Choose the flower that jumps out at you the most. (Photos courtesy of Flower Essence Services)

Here are the names and meanings of the flowers that are indicated above.  Read through the description and ponder why you might have been drawn to that particular one.  Remember, flower essences are catalysts for self awareness and growth, and are supportive tools to help bring about the qualities in you that the flower’s energy represents.

In general, flower essences are a tool for you to connect more with your higher self.  Our true soul expression.  When you read the description, pay attention to the theme it relates to.  How is it showing up in your life right now?  Is it around you?  Are you personally dealing with that theme in your life?  Is someone close to you?
Each flower is balancing – it can help balance the negative traits of that flower’s vibration, or it can help enhance the positive quality of the flower in your life.  
While it may be coming up as this is what you are here to learn spiritually, it is not to generalize and say this is who you are as a person as a whole.  It means the energies of this theme are coming up for you at this time, for something to reflect upon.  Some people read the description of the essence and say “Well that does not sound like me at all!”  Remember, it’s not saying that is who you are at your core, it means that some aspect of that theme is present in your field right now.  Part of flower essence work is reflecting on why that may be coming up for you at this time, and learning about yourself.  And sometimes, the flower speaks to what is on our unconscious  levels, and it sometimes can even be triggering for people.  If it triggers you to read the description, that can mean that it’s especially important for you to review what the flower is here to balance.

As many of you want to know where you can get these remedies, I can create custom remedies for you.  You can also find them at many local health food stores, or online.  I’ve added links here after each flower description to make it easy for you should you want to give them a try in your life.

Have fun!

Erika signature




A:  Wild rose

…is for people who have accepted all that life throws at them and have given up the struggle for fulfilment.

In this state we resign ourselves to the way things are, to the extent where we don’t complain or seem particularly unhappy. Instead we shrug our shoulders – there’s no point trying to change things – and just drift along.

The remedy helps reawaken our interest in life. In a positive Wild Rose state we are happy-go-lucky. Instead of apathy we feel a sense of purpose that brings increased happiness and enjoyment.

B: Star of Bethlehem

…is one of the remedies in the traditional stress/crisis formula.   It is the remedy for the after-effects of shock, such as is caused by unexpected bad news or any unexpected and unwelcome event.

It can be used just as well for the effects of a shock received many years ago, even very early in childhood.

This is also the remedy for that sense of emptiness and loss that sometimes occurs when a loved one dies or moves away. Star of Bethlehem is a comforting remedy to take in such circumstances.

C: Clematis

…is for people whose minds drift away from the present into fantasies of the future, or into alternative versions of the present. Often they dream of future success, creative endeavour and achievement. The danger is that they are not sufficiently anchored in reality to make their dreams happen.

The remedy helps bring us back to earth and back to ourselves so that we can act to build a better life, instead of living in daydreams.

Sometimes people confuse the Clematis state with Honeysuckle, but the two are quite different. In the Honeysuckle state we live in nostalgic fantasies of the past or relive old regrets; as Clematis people our thoughts drift away to imagined futures.

Clematis is one of the ingredients in Dr Bach’s original crisis formula , where it is used to help the fuzzy, faint, light-headed feelings that may come in emergencies.

D: Agrimony

…is the remedy for people who keep their troubles hidden under a mask of pleasure and happiness. The sad clown masking inner hurt by being the life and soul of the party is an Agrimony archetype. Friends are often the last to know that anything is wrong in the Agrimony person’s life.

Sometimes Agrimony people turn to drink or drugs to help them stay ‘happy’. They tend not to like being alone: the mask slips when there is no company. They seek out friends, parties and bright lights. Only at night when they are alone with their thoughts will the mental torture they have repressed come back to haunt them.

Agrimony helps us come to terms with the darker side of our lives and personalities, so that we can become more rounded human beings. We won’t lose our sense of humour or our ability to get through the day, but will find that laughing at our troubles dispels them rather than hides them. As a mood remedy, Agrimony helps anyone who is trying not to face a trouble and using jokes and false smiles to avoid a painful reality.

E: Holly

…is often thought of as the remedy for anger – but this isn’t necessarily the case. In the Bach system anger is a secondary emotion and we need to look more closely at the cause. Anger based in impatience needs another remedy, for example, as do those angers based on feelings of personal unfairness or impersonal injustice or where there is a simple loss of control.

Holly is actually the remedy for very negative, aggressive feelings directed at others – feelings such as hatred, suspicion, envy, spite. The basic problem is an absence of love, and the remedy works to encourage our generosity of spirit and an openness towards others.

F: Cerato

…is the remedy for people who lack faith in their judgement. Faced with the need to make a choice they can come to a decision without too much trouble – something which differentiates them sharply from people in a Scleranthus state.

Problems come after the decision is made. Doubts creep in and they are no longer sure if what they have decided is right. They go around asking for the opinions and advice of others, and end up confused or doing something that they know in their hearts is not right.

Cerato helps us have more faith in our judgement so that we can listen to our inner voice and trust our intuition.

G: Chicory

…people are full of love and care for their families and friends. But they expect to receive love and attention in return, with interest, and feel slighted and unnecessarily hurt if they don’t get all they expect. Their great love can lead them to hold onto their loved ones and try to keep them dependent and close to hand. This may stifle the development of other personalities, or simply drive people away.

When we fall into this state the remedy helps bring out the positive side of Chicory: love given unconditionally and in freedom.

H: Impatiens

…is, as its name suggests, the remedy for impatience and the frustration and irritability that often go with it. Anyone can get into this state of mind, but there are also genuine Impatiens types, who live life at a rush and hate being held back by more methodical people. To avoid this irritation they prefer to work alone: the Impatiens boss is the one who sends staff home early so she can get the job finished quicker.

The remedy helps us be less hasty and more relaxed with others. It is also an ingredient in Dr Bach’s original stress/crisis formula, where it helps calm agitated thoughts and feelings.


I: Mimulus

…is the remedy for known fears. Whenever you are frightened or anxious about something, and you can say what that ‘something’ is, then Mimulus is the remedy to take.

Mimulus fears are those of every day: fear of public speaking, of the dark, of aggressive dogs, of illness and pain. Phobias can also be Mimulus fears if the cause of the fear – whether spiders, birds or open spaces – can be named. Rock Rose might be preferred where the phobia causes real terror. Where the fear is vague and there is general anxiety and apprehension without a specific named cause, there Aspen might be a better choice.

Mimulus is used as a type or personality remedy for those of us who tend generally to be nervous, timid and shy. We might blush easily or stammer, and will usually avoid social occasions and any event where we will be in the limelight.

Mimulus brings out the quiet courage and strength that lies hidden in all of us, so that we can face the everyday trials of life without fear.

Flower essence descriptions courtesy of www.bachcentre.com.