Archives for December 2011

Pure, positive energy

There is nothing sweeter, and more uplifting, than watching a baby in a fit of laughter.  It’s just such an expression of pure, positive energy, that you literally cannot be in a bad mood watching this. Babies are such wonderful examples of presence……they are learning so much in every moment, that they don’t have time […]

Sunsets: A great teacher of presence

Just less than 5 minutes ago, I was standing on my deck overlooking the Pacific ocean, witnessing yet another sunset.  Tonight’s sky was a winter sky, with clouds, and pockets of sunshine, with depth from the layers of moisture in the air.  Yet when the sun made it’s final descent “into the ocean,” something struck […]

Is co-sleeping really this dangerous? Think again.

In the wake of the recent uproar about an anti-co-sleeping ad campaign, I wanted to ask Dr. Linda Palmer (author of The Baby Bond), her take on the controversy. For those of you who missed it, in November 2011, an ad campaign was launched in Wisconsin.  Here is just one of the ads: As expected, […]

Maximizing bonding between an adoptive parent and child

During my interview with Dr. Linda Folden Palmer, author of The Baby Bond, we discussed the hormonal response and initial bonding that happens in the first hour of life between the mother and the baby. As many of these early biochemical bonding factors occur within that first hour post birth, I asked her about how […]

Helping our schools will reach many more children

One of the most important missions has is to help influence communities to better support our children’s health. By donating our time to work with schools, has the chance to make some small changes, that will affect many. Some things we are working on: Shifting the food policies within a school to ensure […]

Send in your questions for Dr. Linda Folden Palmer, author of “The Baby Bond”

  Next week, I’m going to be interviewing the author of the amazing book “The Baby Bond” Dr. Linda Folden Palmer. We will be discussing the science behind attachment parenting, breastfeeding, co-sleeping, nutrition, and early childhood bonding. Please send along any questions you may have for her about the above topics, and I’ll see if I can […]