Archives for April 2012

Nourishing, tasty, healthy, AND convenient? Yup, it’s possible (and easy)!

With summer comes family outings, more sunshine hours, and loads of activities for the kiddos. Many parents want to just be able to grab something quickly and head out the door – without having to sacrifice quality and health, for convenience. Convenience does come at a steep price First off, we just need to realize […]

Follow up to post about posting my child’s photo on Facebook

Since I have posted this entry, I have had a flood of traffic to my post coming from people searching for “how to stop someone from posting photos of my child online.”  I have had more new visitors stumbling upon my web site from random search engine searches from this post than any other post […]

School snack ideas

One of the questions I get asked often is, “What are some good snacks I can send to school with my child, and for when we have shared snack day?” Here are some great, healthy and fun snacks for children – many of these I find at Trader Joe’s, in organic form for less money. […]