NBC News interviews Erika about Facebook and parenting

no-photojpg-300x300Many of you who have found my web site have come here because you are looking for help with the frustration with Facebook, and other people posting pictures of your child without your permission.

Last week,  NBC News called me as they were researching this important topic, as they had found that the amount of people who are dissatisfied with Facebook is because of this very issue.   I was thrilled to get the opportunity to shed light on this issue on a major news platform, and to help bring awareness to the idea that we must be respectful of other parents wishes, even if they differ from our own.

Here is the link to the NBC News article.

I initially wrote this original post BECAUSE it was such an interesting example of something that many people wouldn’t even blink an eye at, because so many people post photos on Facebook of their children all the time.  Because it seemed so socially acceptable, it made it the perfect topic for a post about conscious parenting.

Since that post almost two years ago, it is still the #1 traffic web post on my entire site.  And if you read through the comments, you can see that many parents are struggling with some fairly serious issues as a result of this situation.

It is my prayer that somehow Facebook really hears this concern, and realizes that there can be significant repercussions to a seemingly innocent thing such as posting a picture of someone else’s child on their site.

While some people may argue that “it is just the world we live in these days, we can’t do anything about it so just deal with it” – I think it would be even more powerful if Facebook actually took a stand on this as well.   And that argument is exactly WHY we should be talking about this.

I prefer to err on the side of caution when it comes to things online relating to my child.  I hope this one topic gets people thinking about the larger issue at hand, which is honoring other parents’ choices for their family.



  1. It is something I didn’t worry about so much before. But now that my kids are not babies and toddlers I have realized that families we meet at soccer or from school may not be a fan of sharing photos and I’ve become sensitive to considering not everyone thinks the same way I do.

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