Universal law or physical principle?

law of attractionOne foundational aspect of this conscious parenting site, has to do with the power of intention, and what we focus on (aka the law of attraction).  The law of attraction states that what we give focus to, we get more of.  If we focus our attention and our emotion on what we fear will happen, we will get more of that thing we are fearing.  It’s a matter of energetic principles – that which is a vibrational match to our dominant vibration is what we will attract.  Rather, if we spend our time being grateful for the things we love, and things we want more of, we’ll attract more of that into our lives.

Which leads me to this….

Is an unhealthy food as “damaging” to our health if we don’t consciously know it’s unhealthy?

If we believe a food is healthy for us, does that make that junk food less unhealthy in some way?

What influence does intention have on our health?  Obviously, if we know it’s healthy and it is, that is the best, conversely, if we know it’s unhealthy and it isn’t, that’s the worst.  However, what about the shades of gray in between?

Over the past 3 years, I have made it a personal quest to find out the answers to these questions.  I will be sharing some of what I’ve uncovered here on this blog.  (Keep checking back in as we bring these ideas to the site.)

In the meantime, what do you think?

Is an unhealthy food as “damaging” to our health if we don’t consciously know it’s unhealthy?

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