A tip for how to help teach your children to make healthier food choices

One of the most common responses I get when talking about shifting a child’s eating habits is: “But they won’t like it!” Or…. “Not my child, they are VEEEERRRYY picky.” I’m not saying that it’s easy, or that your child will immediately run over hugging and kissing you for making the changes to their food. […]

A great “unconscious” parenting moment…..

Last night’s bedtime conversation while DD and I were snuggling together: MermaidGirl: “Mommy, we are in the now.” (or at least this is what I thought I heard) Me: “Wow, MermaidGirl, that’s right, we are.” (feeling a bit amazed that she was referring to her Eckhart Tolle children’s book that teaches about being in the […]

Pure, positive energy

There is nothing sweeter, and more uplifting, than watching a baby in a fit of laughter.  It’s just such an expression of pure, positive energy, that you literally cannot be in a bad mood watching this. Babies are such wonderful examples of presence……they are learning so much in every moment, that they don’t have time […]