If my daughter had a different mom, she would probably be on drugs

No, not the illegal kind. The FDA approved kind. Why do I make such a bold statement? Let me share a story….. Monday, my husband picked my daughter up at school. She had spent the weekend with her father (my ex) and I hadn’t seen her since Friday morning.  I  went to greet her. She […]

Conscious Parenting idea: Do your part

A fundamental aspect of conscious parenting is realizing that your actions have repercussions beyond your own family.  What you do impacts others, whether you do it consciously, or unconsciously. Two years ago, I observed something at my daughter’s school, that I wanted to change. And here’s what I did about it.

Conscious Parenting moment: Stumped by a 6 year old

Ah the joys of parenting, and husbands.  This post, is more about parenting the husband.  And let me state for the record, I mean parenting as a “spiritual partnership” not as “I know everything and you don’t so I am here to enlighten you.”  My husband is an amazing parent – I have just been […]

Peer pressure at its best!

I was meeting with the entire staff at my daughter’s school.  I gave my spiel about healthy nutrition, food choices, and making some universal guidelines. The first comment I got was that when parents bring healthy snacks when they are the snack host for the classroom, the children don’t like it and complain. First, I […]

Universal law or physical principle?

One foundational aspect of this conscious parenting site, has to do with the power of intention, and what we focus on (aka the law of attraction).  The law of attraction states that what we give focus to, we get more of.  If we focus our attention and our emotion on what we fear will happen, […]

Let me indulge myself for a moment in my fantasy

Nope, not that kind of fantasy.   This one gets me even more excited …. ♥ I often fantasize about living in natural foods town, where all the stores only carry organic, and foods made without additives, preservatives, colorings, artificial flavors, and the like. Kind of like it was 100 years ago. I long to go […]