Please stop posting pictures of my child on Facebook

I need to figure out how to keep other people from posting pictures of my little girl on their Facebook pages. Please note: I’m not bringing this up to discuss whether it is, or is not, good/safe/appropriate to put pics of young children on the Internet. I am only asking the question – shouldn’t I […]

Do smart phones and children belong together?

Ipods, smart phones, Facebook, digital video, the Internet. Mind you, when I was a child, we didn’t even have cordless phones until high school. Up until about 20 years ago, nobody would ever call someone and immediately ask, “Where are you?” Um…I’m standing in my kitchen talking on the phone that’s attached to the wall…. […]

If my daughter had a different mom, she would probably be on drugs

No, not the illegal kind. The FDA approved kind. Why do I make such a bold statement? Let me share a story….. Monday, my husband picked my daughter up at school. She had spent the weekend with her father (my ex) and I hadn’t seen her since Friday morning.  I  went to greet her. She […]

Huh? My daughter telling ME about her birth?

We’ve all heard some incredible stories that children share when they are little. Imagination? Or something else?   A sweet, wonderful book called Before I Got Here: The Wondrous Things We Hear When We Listen to the Souls of Our Childrenby Blair Underwood (yes, the actor) might have you take pause if you’ve never thought about […]

The magic of intention: Part 2

Just got back from meeting the wonderful, soulful people who found our family’s most sentimental possession the other day. Here is the continuation of the serendipitous story……(see prior blog post for part 1)     I wanted to share the link to their site in case you are interested in checking them out. Beautiful music […]

A conscious parenting lesson….from a cat

I want to publicly thank someone for impacting my life, and my family’s life, in such a positive way. Thank you, Jackson Galaxy, for doing your life’s work.  I am forever grateful for you. (this is a long post, but I promise, I do tie this into a lesson in the end) This is my […]

Conscious Parenting idea: Do your part

A fundamental aspect of conscious parenting is realizing that your actions have repercussions beyond your own family.  What you do impacts others, whether you do it consciously, or unconsciously. Two years ago, I observed something at my daughter’s school, that I wanted to change. And here’s what I did about it.

How I spent last night….(minus the 2nd child)

Yup, sick child throwing up in the nighttime.  Me, spent many an hour sitting on the porcelain throne myself.  Horrible stomach bug. Sure enough, I visit my favorite humor website for some comfort.  And I find it.  Laughing releases endorphins and boosts the immune system. Here is the link to the blog post (from Parenting. […]

Peer pressure at its best!

I was meeting with the entire staff at my daughter’s school.  I gave my spiel about healthy nutrition, food choices, and making some universal guidelines. The first comment I got was that when parents bring healthy snacks when they are the snack host for the classroom, the children don’t like it and complain. First, I […]