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How I spent last night….(minus the 2nd child)

Yup, sick child throwing up in the nighttime.  Me, spent many an hour sitting on the porcelain throne myself.  Horrible stomach bug. Sure enough, I visit my favorite humor website for some comfort.  And I find it.  Laughing releases endorphins and boosts the immune system. Here is the link to the blog post (from Parenting. […]

Peer pressure at its best!

I was meeting with the entire staff at my daughter’s school.  I gave my spiel about healthy nutrition, food choices, and making some universal guidelines. The first comment I got was that when parents bring healthy snacks when they are the snack host for the classroom, the children don’t like it and complain. First, I […]

Conscious Birthday Party tip: Gratitude notes

Here’s a little video about something I did at my last birthday party that you can do that will surprise (and delight)  your guests. Gratitude notes. This is something you can have your child do when they are having their birthday party. Imagine a community of children who get a gift like this in addition […]

Sharing a hilarious mommy blog (with pics!)

Came across this blog a couple of months back…and haven’t stopped laughing since!  If you are ever in need of a humor break or boost in your mood, this does the trick! It’s called Parenting.  Illustrated with Crappy Pictures. Here is the one that I tried reading it out loud to my husband and 6 year […]

Study finds breastfed babies are “more challenging” …. Really????

Saw this article on the Huffington Post today about a study that “proves” that breastfed babies are “more challenging” than bottlefed  babies. Really??? In any case, I couldn’t resist chiming in on the conversation. Here is my brief response (which could easily have been a mini-dissertation with how much I wanted to share) …..but I […]

Out of the mouth of babes

My little one came to me the other day with a proclamation…. MermaidGirl:  “Mommy, I know a really bad word. ” Me: “Really? What is it?” MermaidGirl: (calmly, but she enunciated beautifully…….) “F**ker.” Me: “MermaidGirl, how did you learn that?” (trying not to sound too alarmed when I asked her – I was expecting something […]

Uncle! Uncle!

I can’t tell you how many times I say to myself “oh forget it, its too hard, or not worth the battle.”  (when it comes to feeding my child healthy foods).  And that makes me sad to think that I’m even compromising my principles in any way due to social pressure.  I can face it […]

Universal law or physical principle?

One foundational aspect of this conscious parenting site, has to do with the power of intention, and what we focus on (aka the law of attraction).  The law of attraction states that what we give focus to, we get more of.  If we focus our attention and our emotion on what we fear will happen, […]

Oh no! Am I THAT mom??

We all know THAT mom. The one that is a pain in the ass, the one that all the other mothers see and just expect a difficult time from.  The one that instills some sort of controversy wherever she goes.  Or in my case, the one that might make another parent squirm a bit because […]